Dr Gerald George Videos Resources and Publications

Videos about Gout, Lupus, Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Rheumatoid Arthritis






British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) rheumatology.org.uk
Royal College of Physicians (RCP) rcplondon.ac.uk
American College of Rheumatology (ACR) rheumatology.org
Versus Arthritis  versusarthritis.org
Royal Osteoporosis Society theros.org.uk
PVF Medical (Medical Reports and Services) pvfmedical.co.uk


Partner Consultants

Foot and ankle Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon  https://sajidshariff.co.uk


Specialist Physiotherapy including Rheumatology Physiotherapy  https://physiotherapy2fit.com


Peer-reviewed Publications

Anam Ahmad and Gerald George. “I’ve got a lump in my throat”  BMJ 2017;357:j1209

Dr Othman Kirresh, Dr John Schofield, and Dr Gerald George. Acute sarcoidosis: Löfgren’s syndrome. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 2015 76:3, 154-158

Othman Kirresh and Gerald George. Perils of weight loss activities.
BMJ 2015;351:h3779

Dr Terry Lim How and Dr Gerald HM George. Paget’s Disease. GM July/August 2012.

Yong C, George G Gout – an ancient disease reviewed. GM Vol 39 No.12 December 2009 (gerimed.co.uk).

George, Gerald Hypothyroidism presenting as puzzling myalgias and cramps in 3 patients. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 13 (5): 273-275, October 2007. (JCR)

George GHM, Patel S. Secondary prevention of hip fracture. Rheumatology 2000: 39: 346-349. (Rheumatology)

George GHM, Axford JS. Asthma and epididymitis: the calm before the storm. (Churg Strauss syndrome masterclass) Annals of the Rheumatic diseases 1999: 58: 731-736. (ARD)

George GHM, MacGregor AJ, Spector TD. Influence of current and past hormone replacement therapy on bone mineral density: A study of discordant postmenopausal twins. Osteoporosis International 1999; 9: 158-162. (OI)

Contact Dr Gerald George